How did this happen! well I was Kitesurfing a couple of weeks ago and after I got home my left knee started acting up and then became real pain. I think it may have happened when I was unceremoniously lofted by a gust! It is getting better finally hence the bike rides.
So back to this weekend the BMW club I belong to has a mystery ride this time of year and it was supposed to be on Saturday but when we arrived at the start location it had been canceled due to the possibility of rain.
So four of us headed out regardless of that, in fact only a couple spits descended on us all day.
My knee was well supported in a neoprene support brace and was quite comfortable.
We enjoyed the Fall Colours

and the further north we went the more glorious Mother Nature became.
Sunday of course was the postponed mystery ride so having received permission from "She who shall be obeyed" I was able to participate two days in a row.
Our Lunch location is an old favorite so a picture is worth a thousand words, well that works for the ice cream stop later in the afternoon as well.

The Swiss Inn

No not the Swiss Miss but close, our fearless leader Michel with his PINK ice-cream.
I shall say no more till next time.