The Perfect Line
A metaphor for how to look at anything.
Well Its getting close to putting the Bike away for the winter so with the possibility of a dry day and
maybe up to 10 Celsius as a high I got the bike out.
Pretty cold first hour or so but breakfast was waiting in a nice warm restaurant in Perth (Ontario)
with some great company to boot.
The club I belong to "BMW Motorcycle Club of Ottawa" and the "Loonie-Tic BMW Riders of Quinte West"
had planned on a ride around our new Race Track in the area.
Also a much loved member of the ManyPause Club, a Past President of the BMW Motorcycle Club
of Ottawa along with his spouse rounded out the group.
The track day was held under the auspices of the BMW Car Club of Ottawa, under the umbrella of
BMW Club Canada.
It was mostly to show people what the track is like up close and a pretty good way to promote track time.
Well we all had two nice laps at a controlled speed by following a club member in his car who is also
a BMW car club member and is connected at the track.
Lap one was nice but by lap two I was seeing how learning about the perfect line would help my
road driving skills.
Then after the track and a lunch break at a favourite location A good friend and I headed home
via a route chosen with some off road sections.
OK who's up first then?
A cloudy but dry day, not bad for track riding.
The picture above and below are my camera but not my finger on the button, if you know you will see I am in them both.
At the end or beginning of "New Road", another metaphor, who knows?
While on this journey I got to thinking about how a similar an approach was needed to
navigate whatever kind of terrain I was on, back to that perfect line again.
Whether going through a corner at the track or picking my way between some bumpy and
rough conditions it came to the same thing.
And so at the end of "New Road" while taking the last picture here I decided this was
a nice subject to scribe about since again when taking photo's its always about the
perfect line or in this case frame.
You may begin to realize through my blog that photography is another passion of mine,
more about that in later postings.