Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rubber side Down please

Vintage Motorcycle Trials

Not an everyday occurrence but when it happens its amazing what an old bod can get up to on two wheels.
To begin with you need some old bod's with old trials motorcycles

Put them into some tricky terrain and you never know quite what will happen.

Most times they manage to have fun and stay upright

Even if its climbing up a steep rock or two to get to the next bit

Lots of thinking goes on too

Especially at the top of a hill

The rewards are, getting to the end without mishap and being tired but happy your getting better than last time out.
For some more images to enjoy Look here

Thanks for keeping an eye on us all David

Till next time then!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

So where to next ???

To every beginning there must be an end and that leads to another beginning of course.
And so our adventure with kites and boards is coming to an end but at least one more day to go yet and the promise of some reasonable wind and sunshine.
Since I shall be BUSY for the next few days I may not blog again till the next time when more fun will be in the offing, I think on two wheels this time.
Till then, be well :-))

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Washout

To the Wash-Out then (location, location, location) !

If you never had the pleasure of a downwind ride then you should try it :-))
Just floating along behind a 19 meter twinskin takes a some beating.
Well this morning we had such a pleasure and to be greeted by SWSBO (She who shall be obeyed) was a bonus

Just tilt the board and GOOOOOOOO

Watch this space for more recycled escapades almost daily now it seems !!

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Silver Tsunami strikes again

So the perfect spot to be a camera slut :-))
And just how much FUN can an old guy have ??

Its looking like this for the next few days, sunshine and wind !

Keep watching this space

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Another day Another Kite

Well at last I have gone to the Dark Side, I now own and have flown an LEI
Having just acquired a used 2009 Nash Cult I am seeing how far LEI kites have progressed in the last few years since I tried one on the Magdalen Islands and was disappointed at the time with its lack of depower etc.

So after two sessions I am optimistic things have got a lot better and the image below shows me out on the water with it.
Having over a week still to go I hope to get more time on it soon :-))
Now this is not to say I am convinced my twin skin kites are going to collect dust any time soon as to day and for the next couple of days its looking positively ballistic wind speeds approaching us and the auto zenith capability of my Peter Lynn Arc's will come into their own when I dump the board on a turn or jump, just let the bar go slack and the kite is there waiting for me overhead when I recover my senses and my board !!

Keep an eye on this space as they say.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Water Water Everywhere, now I am in the drink

To kitesurf or not to kitesurf, Hmmmm!!

So what else ?
I am having FUN trying to stay afloat as usual but this time I have two weeks to see how good ( or bad ) I can be.

Just a bit of fishing practice going on here I think !

Keep it down lad your supposed to be on the water
Not to be outdone by this young friend I at least give it a go, well my kite got of the water so now what about me too (yes thats me laying down on the left)!
Wait for more wind Eh!

Till next time then

Can any one tell I watched Wallace and Grommet last night ?

Friday, April 8, 2011

A Friday Ride

So I sneaked of work today (Friday) as its going to be wet Sunday when I usually get a day of for good behaviour :-))
Of course I shall have to get in some extra hours to compensate never get a completely free ride !!
Well I decided to go see whats happening at the regular gas stop and watering hole in Calabogie, last year they had a fire and it destroyed the property but I am pleased to say gas pumps were not affected and they have carried on with those while the rebuilding is taking shape.
As you can see its coming along nicely and now has a ramp (maybe for us to drive through on our bikes !) and will have all amenities as before.

The dirt roads in the area are not all drivable yet especially the shaded parts so doing a bit more Asphalt than I would like but hey I got out didn't I ?

A up date on a farkle namely the MSR shifter I added, it still did not completely work as I wanted, so to start the day I went to the local friendly welding shop and got the extra mod I wanted done so now its perfect, nice to get real service locally when you desperately need it and absolutely have to go for a ride to test the mod.

And on a footnote its only another week or so before I get to play on the water in Pamlico sound.

Catch up here soon then.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Not Quite April 1st BUT !

Hi there ladies and germs :0)
So I got out with all the completed upgrades to my DRZ400S today and thought you all deserved an image to enjoy.
I had four hours and did a fare amount of dirt but one has to be extremely careful this early in the season, in most shaded areas there is still ice under a skim of slick mud etc.
Stay in 3 or 2nd gear on corners and at most 4 where you can see dry ground on the straight sections and be real steady on the throttle, too much in either direction can change you into a muddy painful mess in the twinkling of an eye.

With all that said I managed to squeak in a stack of pancakes and pot of tea for lunch a change to lighter gloves ( it was only + 3 C when I left home) and take of a layer which is why I have a backpack, this bike is light on storage places.
Oh and did I mention it was wall to wall sunshine, cant think of a nicer way to spend a Sunday this time of year.
Now I must get ready for my North Carolina Kite Surfing Holiday and while I am there you may get another post with different images and enough text to make you wish you were playing hooky too.

Next time folks :-))

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Winter in the Toy Box

Hi Folks
Just a taste of things to come this spring, almost finished and ready to roll.

Hope your liking it so far just wait till you see the FULL report :-))
See the last image in the post below for the difference, I can see the difference can You !!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Now is the Winter of our ?

OK enough attempts at humour its still early in the year, but I thought it really was time I showed up here again.

Since the two wheel time of year is in the wings waiting to reappear I have been editing some images and enjoying a new sub group I belong to in the computer world (yes, yes just something else I get up to).

Being a proponent of open source computing the local Linux Users Group have a Photography sig (special interest group) which I very much enjoy being part of.

Now with digital images I am sure by now most folks understand one can accumulate a huge backlog of editing and the winter is an opportune time to do this part of all things digital.

I recently found a very enjoyable blog The Sartorialist (more about him another time) and not to beat around the bush it reminded me I have a blog myself !

So onto a couple of images then, the first one is a street image from Old Montreal in late summer 2010.
The colourful underside of the skateboard against the stone and brick shows nicely.

Changing an image to black and white sometimes makes a whole new image so here's one from the early winter I like.
If you drastically increase contrast as part of the editing process interesting things can happen.

Earlier in the fall I was in the same general location and !
And if you don't think I am ignoring my bigger toys I do have a heated toy box to play in when the snow is on the ground,
Just a little something I am working on when getting withdrawal symptoms.

Lets meet up here some time soon OK