So much and yet ! what to write this week that will get the minds of readers tingling for another glimpse of "Age not being a barrier"
So its Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend and I am a day late with my entry this week.
The following pictures will explain why yesterday was occupied.
The Fall colours are well worth another visit and in order to do this my good wife should be included in another of my jaunts into the countryside.
However she does not ride on the back of my motorcycle so the car was dragged into service for this occasion.
The car is not in bad shape and I would like to keep it that way so in order to share a particular location with my wife we left the car at the start of one of my favourite GS rides and walked a fair way down the California Road ( not in California ).
So to the pictures, enjoy !
Ah yes my Camera is a Sony 828 for those who are interested, a great value for money and as I am limited in that department I try to make the most of what I have.
Till the next time then.