I have a new, to me, off road bike and it needed to taste some dirt and gravel roads.
Having done enough to get permission from the senior partner in the business, namely She who shall be obeyed, I proceed to go play with my new toy.

So where to go ? Well with something new lets go to familiar place and try to stay safe as I already know the terrain.
As you see above I found the gravel and had some fun at slower than usual speeds which as it turned out was beneficial because of the recent heavy rain we have had. There was lot of BIG puddle jumping to do and not being endowed with flippers and fins I decided not to go swimming.
The first part went well and confidence was building, OK time for a late lunch, pancakes sounded good and they were!
Next the question was where to go on the way home. Well an old railway line with the tracks removed was reasonable place to start.

Looks kind of tame but hey there is a water crossing halfway and its not for the novice, also there are a number of lakes and nice places to enjoy along the way. Just because its relatively straight don't become complaisant you have to keep your eyes peeled for holes filled with the wet stuff or you can finish up on your rear end with a bent bike.
Now at the end of this little part of the afternoon tour I turn left to head more directly to home and on the way I came across a rather large group of wild Turkeys but by the time I had stopped dismounted and got the camera out most had scurried of into the bush.

I was sure now I could handle most of the roads I had been on before so took the next turn on my way home via New Road. I may have mentioned it before as it is far from new and is probably and old road first traveled by pairs of Oxen bringing adventurers to "The New World".
By now the afternoon was getting shorter and I needed a drink and a snack, and as luck would have it I was right by Clayton lake weir. Well to my surprise as I stopped a rather large old Heron was fishing at the sluice but once again by the time I got of the bike, well you know the rest :-))

Time like this is hard to find in a busy life but it can sure stand still when you do find it.
Hope you enjoyed the afternoon as much as I did and all thanks to My Angel for letting me have the afternoon off to go play with my 650KLR, oh yes and someone for organizing the great weather.
See you all next time.