I went to observe something I used to do when much younger and am looking at getting back into.
As I have never given up motorcycling since my first bike in 1959 I think its doable.
This is about a little known (in North a America) but traditional form of motorcycling."Trial Riding"and is perpetuated by a group of older guys generally on older machines.
Not the modern trials you may see in arenas and sometimes shown in large shopping malls.
Bikes hopping over barrels and up a multitude of over sized Lego type blocks etc.
This style of trial is partaken of in the open countryside and contrary to what you may think is not necessarily noisy to a point of annoyance.
However I do not want to spend this time with a diatribe about the sport just an intro leading to my theme about how age is not a barrier and what is going on in society to show this.
Although a few of the participants today were young and some very young most were over 40 and some over 60.
Now for the pictures taken on what used to be a farm in the good old days!
Enjoy as I did the Fall weather and some serious adrenalin, old style.
A bike similar to the one I rode in the early sixties as an apprentice going to work in London UK.
OOPSWhat a nice day in the country.
Smile for the camera.

Section 10 and its all over for the day, time for a brew maybe.
All loaded up and ready for the drive home.
Not before one last look at the much cared for old farm house on the hill.
Thanks for the hospitality David.
I hope this gives a little picture of this sport now and maybe want to investigate further just what else "The Recycled Teenager" gets up to when not at home.
Oh yes retirement is not an issue since I retired at birth :-))
Promise it will not be motorcycles next week, OK.
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