I call it busy having FUN :-))
That's why its been a year since the last post.
So what am I up to now, you may well ask and I know you do !!
Its Friday evening and I am only two days from another trip to fun land, on Monday morning very early I leave for Moab in Utah in the good old USA.
You see when I acquired my KLR 650 I knew I was going to get to enjoy riding it and not worry about mud and dirt in general, little did I understand just how much fun I would have with it.
And now before I get any more distance under the saddle I thought it would be a good idea to go back to Moab.
Last time I was there was two years ago and in late July at 120 Fahrenheit, much to hot to hang around for more than a couple of days before heading up in to the hills for cooler temps.
Now after spending the last winter renovating the garage so it would be warm enough to work in I got down to fixing the KLR so it was in better shape for such a trip.
I had with much help from another member of the Three Rusty Beards built a suitable trailer for my bike from an old boat trailer by the start of the winter. So with that done I could get on fixing up the bike and see the picture emerging, car trailer and KlR ready to head west!

More from the trip when I can hook up to the internet .
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