OK enough attempts at humour its still early in the year, but I thought it really was time I showed up here again.
Since the two wheel time of year is in the wings waiting to reappear I have been editing some images and enjoying a new sub group I belong to in the computer world (yes, yes just something else I get up to).
Being a proponent of open source computing the local Linux Users Group have a Photography sig (special interest group) which I very much enjoy being part of.
Now with digital images I am sure by now most folks understand one can accumulate a huge backlog of editing and the winter is an opportune time to do this part of all things digital.
I recently found a very enjoyable blog
The Sartorialist (more about him another time) and not to beat around the bush it reminded me I have a blog myself !
So onto a couple of images then, the first one is a street image from Old Montreal in late summer 2010.

The colourful underside of the skateboard against the stone and brick shows nicely.
Changing an image to black and white sometimes makes a whole new image so here's one from the early winter I like.

If you drastically increase contrast as part of the editing process interesting things can happen.
Earlier in the fall I was in the same general location and !

And if you don't think I am ignoring my bigger toys I do have a heated toy box to play in when the snow is on the ground,

Just a little something I am working on when getting withdrawal symptoms.
Lets meet up here some time soon OK